飞出国注:自2014.8.1开始,CIC修改了对受供养子女(dependent child)的年龄定义,由之前的22周岁以下,改为了19周岁以下。
SCLPC 配偶子女团聚签证担保人的要求(飞出国)
- 担保人必须是加拿大公民或定居在加拿大的永久居民。如果是公民,申请时可以不居住在加拿大境内,但是如果是加拿大永居的话,必须是定居在加拿大才能提供担保。
- 担保人的年龄要在18周岁以上;
- 书面文件承诺给申请人提供经济支持:配偶和同居伴侣需要提供3年;受供养子女提供10年或者持续到25岁,已先到的为准(比如申请人当前17岁,那么需要提供到25岁,如果当前申请人13岁,只需提供到23岁即可);
- 如果担保人是通过申请配偶或者同居伴侣担保而移民的,成为加拿大永居的时间满5年,才能担保配偶或同居伴侣移民(以上条款只适用于2012年3月2号之后成为永居的担保人,在此之前的永居不受影响。),但是可以担保其他家庭成员移民,比如受供养子女,父母等。
什么条件的人不可以做 SCLPC 配偶子女团聚签证担保人(飞出国)
- 不符合担保协议中的相关条款;
- 没有按法庭判决支付赡养费和子女抚养费的;
- 除身体残疾以外的其他原因而申请政府财政援助的;
- 因为以下原因被判有罪的:性侵、暴力、攻击亲属导致肉体伤害、试图或者威胁性犯罪行为(要看犯罪类型、发生的时间和是否已经暂停记录);
- 担保人是通过申请配偶或者同居伴侣担保而移民的,且成为加拿大永居的时间不满5年的;
- 由于延期支付或者忘记支付,未偿还移民贷款;
- 正在服刑人员;
- 宣布破产还未受理完成的;
- 如果担保人过去担保过的亲属,有移民后向政府寻求过经济援助的,那么你将不能再担保其他人。
什么条件的人不可以申请 SCLPC 配偶团聚(飞出国)
- 年龄不满16周岁;
- 在你们婚姻期间,申请人或者担保人与另外的人结婚;
- 分居超过1年,并且其中一方与第三人成为同居伴侣关系;
- 担保人申请永居时,文件中没有体现配偶的信息(当时已结婚的话);
- 担保人曾经担保过配偶移民,并且那个配偶获得永居身份不满3年(如果是2012.3.2之后担保的配偶移民,则需要满足5年才可以)
SCLPC 配偶子女团聚签证的申请流程 - 飞出国
1. 填写相关的申请表格及准备清单要求的材料 - 飞出国
2. SCLPC 支付申请费 - 飞出国
- 担保申请:75加币(每个申请);
- 主申(配偶):475加币;
- 19周岁以下的主申请(未婚子女):75加币;
- 财政无法自足的已满19周岁主申请(子女):475加币;
- 19周岁以下的随行子女(未婚):150加币;
- 财政无法自足的已满19周岁的随行子女:475加币;
- 所有申请人都可以在线支付(建议);
- 如果在加拿大境内申请,还可以通过银行支付;
- 如果在加拿大境外,还可以通过邮政汇票和银行汇票支付。
3. SCLPC 提交申请 - 飞出国
1和2 完成后,将所有材料寄往签证处理中心(Case Processing Centre in Mississauga, Ontario).
> CPC Mississauga
> P.O. Box 3000, Station A
> Mississauga, ON
> L5A 4N6
当前居住在加拿大境内的配偶和同居伴侣,将申请材料寄往: > CPC-Mississauga > P.O. Box 5040, Station B > Mississauga, ON > L5A 3A4
SCLPC 配偶子女团聚签证的处理周期(2015.4.21更新) - 飞出国
- 对担保人的评估:62天(适用于2015.2.19之后收到的申请)
- 对被担保人的评估:周期取决于不同的使馆,北京使馆和香港使馆都是9个月
- 对担保人的评估:17个月(适用于2013.11.13之后收到的申请)
- 对被担保人的评估:10个月
SCLPC 加拿大配偶子女团聚签证申请材料清单 - 加拿大境内申请IMM5443E(Checklist) - 飞出国
1. SCLPC 申请表格 - 飞出国
- IMM0008ENU_2D 基本信息表
- IMM0008DEPENU 如果家庭成员达到5个需要填写
- IMM5406E 家庭成员表
- IMM5669E 教育工作履历表
- IMM5285E 夫妻或者同居关系调查表
- IMM5476E - 代理表(如适用);
- [IMM5443E][5443] - 本清单
2. SCLPC 申请需要下面材料的复印件(有特殊要求提供原件的除外)- 飞出国
PHOTOCOPIES (OR ORIGINALS WHEN INDICATED) OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS(Photocopies do not need to be certified. Do not send original documents unless specified as they will not be returned)
- 护照首页;
- 证明其在加拿大身份的文件(如:访问签证、学习或工作许可,包括已经失去身份的材料也需要提供),如有过;
- 美国绿卡双面复印,如有;
- 申请人的出生证明;
- 随行子女的出生证明或者加拿大公民证书;
- 监护证明文件(离异过);
- 如果有收养的子女还需要提供收养文件;
- 无犯罪证明原件;
- 可选:如果已经预先在体检医院做了体检的话,需要提供体检结果,也可以等收到通知后再去体检。
For the applicant and his or her dependent children
- Passport pages clearly showing your passport number, name, date of birth, passport issue/expiry dates and stamp made by a Canadian authority showing your most recent entry into Canada
- Indication of status in Canada (e.g. visitor visa, study permit or work permit, temporary resident permit, including out of status documentation)
- Both sides of United States Alien Registration card (Green Card), if applicable
- Birth certificate for you
- Birth certificate or Canadian citizenship certificate for any dependent children
- Custody papers for your children from a previous relationship
- Adoption papers for your dependent children who were adopted
- Original police certificates (Refer to Appendix A)
- Optional: proof of completion of the upfront medical examination from the Panel Physician (if you do not hold a valid medical Report, instructions will be given to you when you receive your notice of eligibility)
- 移民纸或者能证明永居身份的文件;
- 加拿大出生公证;
- 加拿大公民证书或公民卡(双面复印)
- 枫叶卡双面复印;
- 国外出生注册证书双面复印;
- 加拿大护照首页。
For the sponsor: Proof of permanent resident status or Canadian citizenship Photocopy of one of the following items: - Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or Confirmation of Permanent Residence document (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688) - Canadian birth certificate - Canadian Citizenship Certificate or card (both sides) - Both sides of your permanent resident card - Both sides of your certificate of registration of birth abroad - Pages from your Canadian passport or travel document showing the passport or travel document number, date of issue and expiration, your photo and your name, surname, place and date of birth
担保人和申请人都需要提供的 - 飞出国 SCLPC :
- 结婚证复印件;
- 如果有婚史的话,需要提供离婚、取消婚姻、分居或前配偶死亡证书;
- 法律同居伴侣关系(common-law relationship)证明文件(e.g., evidence of joint bank, trust, credit union or charge card accounts; jointly signed residential lease, mortgage or purchase agreement; statutory declarations of individuals with personal knowledge that your relationship is genuine and continuing);
- 结婚典礼照片(如有);
- 夫妻关系(conjugal relationship)证明(e.g., commitment, housing and financial arrangements, social activities, attitudes and mindsets towards your relationship)
- 与前同居伴侣断绝关系的证明材料(如有)
注意:如果申请人和担保人是common-law or conjugal partners,还需要提供与前伴侣关系的证明。如果申请人和担保人的伴侣关系少于或等于2年,并且没有子女,申请通过后,申请人会收到有条件的永居身份。
For both of you:
- Photocopy of marriage certificate
- Photocopy of divorce, annulment, separation or death certificates, if either of you were previously married
- Proof of your common-law relationship (e.g., evidence of joint bank, trust, credit union or charge card accounts; jointly signed residential lease, mortgage or purchase agreement; statutory declarations of individuals with personal knowledge that your relationship is genuine and continuing)
- Photographs of the marriage or common-law relationship ceremony, if applicable (photocopies are acceptable; originals will not be returned)
- Proof of your conjugal relationship (e.g., commitment, housing and financial arrangements, social activities, attitudes and mindsets towards your relationship)
- Declaration of severance of common-law relationship Note: The sponsor and the applicant who are common-law or conjugal partners must provide historical evidence of their ongoing relationship. If they are in a relationship
3. 移民照片 - 飞出国 SCLPC
4. 担保人收入证明文件 - 飞出国 SCLPC
- 提供最近一个税务年度的税单和工资条(打印即可)。可以从加拿大税务局(CRA)免费获取。如果不能提供,需要提供单独的解释说明信;
- 如果近12个月内收到过社会救助/福利,并且这些救助情况没有在T5007表中列出的话,需要提供:福利发放的收据复印件;其他的政府补偿的收据复印件;
- An original Option C printout of your last Notice of Assessment for the most recent taxation year along with printouts of all income slips (e.g. T4, T4E, T5 and T5007). To obtain these printouts free-of-charge from the Canada Revenue Agency, call 1 800 959-8281. If you do not provide this printout, provide an explanation on a separate sheet of paper.
- If you received social assistance/welfare in the last 12 months that is not listed on the computer printout of the T5007, include:
- Photocopy of receipt from welfare
- Photocopy of receipt from any other government payment
- If you are employed, an original of a letter from your current employer stating your period of employment, salary, and regular hours per week.
如果你无法提供近1年的税单;或者 能提供近1年的税单,但是总收入不满足最低收入标准,需要提供以下收入证明材料:
If you are sponsoring a spouse or common-law partner with dependent children who have dependent children of their own and either of these situations applies to you, complete this section.
- You are not producing an original Option C printout of your last Notice of Assessment for the most recent year; OR
You are producing an original Option C printout of your last Notice of Assessment for the most recent year, but the total income reported on your printout is less than the minimum necessary income, then provide the documents listed below as proof of your income.
- a. Evidence of employment income (pay stubs and photocopy of your most recent T1 - Individual Income Tax Return) over the 12 months preceding the date of your sponsorship application, if you are employed
- b. Evidence of self-employment income (statement of business activities from your accountant) over the 12 months preceding the date of your sponsorship application, if you are the sole owner of or partner in an unincorporated business
- c. Evidence of interest income (bank statement showing rate of interest, deposit amount and length of time deposit held), over the 12 months preceding the date of your sponsorship application, if you received interest
- d. Evidence of income received over the 12 months preceding the date of your sponsorship application, if you received;
- investment income (e.g., dividends),
- rental income (e.g., statement of real estate rentals),
- pension income,
- special benefits income (e.g., certificate delivered by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) ( confirming payment maternity, parental of sickness benefits),
- other income (give details below).
Copy 2 of the Receipt form that has been stamped by a financial institution showing the amount paid or Internet receipt. (No other form of payment is acceptable):____
You have addressed the envelope with the correct postage to: CPC-M, PO Box 5040 STN B, Mississauga, ON, L5A 3A4
加拿大配偶和子女团聚移民 - 加拿大境内申请官方材料清单: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5443E.pdf
SCLPC 加拿大配偶子女团聚签证申请材料清单 - 加拿大境外申请 IMM5491E(DOCUMENT CHECKLIST - SPONSOR) - 飞出国
1. SCLPC 申请表格(提供原件) - 飞出国
- IMM1344E - 担保人和申请人协议;
- IMM5481E - 担保能力评估表;
- IMM5476E- 代理表(如适用);
- 费用支付证明
- IMM5409E - 法律同居伴侣联合担保法定声明(如果联合担保人是担保人的法律同居伴侣);
- IMM5540E - 担保人调查表;
7.IMM0008ENU_2D - 基本信息表;
8.IMM0008DEPENU - 如果家庭成员达到5个需要填写 ;
9. IMM5669E - 教育工作履历表;
10. IMM5490E - 夫妻或者同居关系调查表;
11. IMM5406E - 家庭成员信息表;
12. IMM5476E - 代理表(如适用)。
- [IMM5491E][5491] - 本清单
2.SCLPC 申请材料复印件(特殊要求的除外)- 飞出国
13.身份文件:枫叶卡双面复印,或者移民纸(IMM 1000),或者永居身份确认文件(IMM 5292 或 IMM 5688);或者加拿大公民证书(双面复印);或者加拿大出生证明;或者加拿大护照;
17.提供最近一个税务年度的税单原件(打印即可)可以从加拿大税务局(CRA)免费获取。如果不能提供,需要提供单独的解释说明信(An original “Option C Printout” of your and your co-signer’s last Notice of Assessment for the most recent taxation year.To obtain this printout free-of-charge from the Canada Revenue Agency, call 1 800 959-8281. If you do not provide this printout, provide an explanation on a separate sheet of paper.);
Proof of employment If you are employed, provide an original letter from your current employer stating your period of employment, salary, and regular hours per week. If you have a co-signer who is employed, include a similar letter from his or her employer. AND/OR Proof of income For the 12 months preceding the date of your sponsorship, if you and, if applicable, your co-signer:
- are the sole owners of, or partners in an unincorporated business, provide evidence of self-employment income (statement of business activities). - received interest on income earned, provide evidence of interest income (bank statement showing rate of interest, deposit amount and length of time deposit held).
If you must meet the minimum necessary income requirement and you and, if applicable, your co-signer:
- are not producing an original Option-C printout of your last Notice of Assessment for the most recent year or
- are producing an original Option-C printout of your last Notice of Assessment for the most recent year, but the total income reported on your and your co-signer’s printout is less than the mininum necessary income, provide a photocopy of the following documents
- a. Evidence of employment income (pay stubs) over the 12 months preceding the date of your sponsorship application, if you and your co-signer are employed
- b. Evidence of self-employment income (statement of business activities) over the 12 months preceding the date of your sponsorship application, if you and your co-signer are the sole owners of or partners in an uncorporated business
- c.Evidence of interest income (bank statement showing rate of interest, deposit amount and length of time deposit held), over the 12 months preceding the date of your sponsorship application, if you and your co-signer received interest
- d. Evidence of:
- investment income (e.g., dividends),
- rental income (e.g., statement of real estate rentals),
- pension income,
- special benefits income (e.g., certificate delivered by HRDC onfirming payment of maternity, parental or sickness benefits),
- other income (give details below) received over the 12 months preceding the date of your sponsorship application, if you and your co-signer received such income.
21.如果随行子女是收养的子女,需要提供其身体状况声明(Medical Condition Statement)
加拿大配偶和子女团聚移民 - 加拿大境外申请官方材料清单: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5491E.pdf